티스토리 뷰


Android 2.3 release date
The Android 2.3 release date is pre-Christmas if you grab the new Nexus S. There's no word yet on when it will be available as an over the air update for existing handsets, but we imagine it won't be far behind, although it will be interesting to see if any handsets get left behind by the new update.
We'll be plotting the Android 2.3 rollout for different handsets and operators in our Android 2.3 release date: when will you get it? post.

크리스마스 전에 릴리즈

Android 2.3 features and specifications
Android 2.3 features include improved copy and paste and support for WebM video playback. The WebM Project confirmed that "WebM support in Android is expected in the Gingerbread release". WebM files are compressed with the VP8 video codec, which Google purchased and open-sourced earlier this year.
Google has confirmed that "the platform now offers built-in support for the VP8 open video compression format and the WebM open container format."

VP8 오픈 비디오 압축 포맷과 WebM 오픈 컨테이너 포맷을 위한 빌트인 지원

In terms of copy and paste, Android now has one-touch word selection. Pressing on a word enters a free-selection mode - you can adjust the selection area as needed by dragging a set of bounding arrows to new positions, then copy the bounded area by pressing anywhere in the selection area.

Android one-touch selection

And it's goodbye to trackballs with new Android 2.3 handsets, too. For text entry, you can slide-press to enter a cursor mode, then reposition the cursor easily and accurately by dragging the cursor arrow. With both the selection and cursor modes, no use of a trackball is needed, says Google.

트랙볼이여 안녕~

다음 동영상으로 확인

Android 2.3 also features support for VOIP/SIP calling, and for Near Field Communication (NFC) which lets your phone read information from objects when you press it against a reader.

VOIP/SIP calling 지원, NFC 지원 

You can add a SIP address to any Contact and you can call them right from the dialler. Phone manufacturers and carriers will have control over this feature though, so it will depend on whether your carrier is being nice or not.

Android sip call

As for the NFC, it's from NXP (formerly Philips Semiconductors). They're the guys responsible for London's Oyster cards. The NFC chip will need to have been put into the device by the manufacturer of course, so not all Android 2.3 devices will have this functionality.

Android nfc

멀티 카메라 지원 - OS 가 자동으로 카메라에 적합한 어플리케이션 선택

Multiple cameras are also now supported, including front-facing cameras. The OS can automatically choose which camera is the best for the particular application, such as taking photos or video calling.
Android camera

There's also now a Downloads application that gives the user easy access to any file downloaded from the browser, email, or another application.
According to Google, "Downloads is built on an completely new download manager facility in the system that any other applications can use, to more easily manage and store their downloads."

Android 2.3 user interface
Android 2.3 also features an updated user interface. The Android Developers' page explains that "a simplified visual theme of colors against black brings vividness and contrast to the notification bar, menus, and other parts of the UI. Changes in menus and settings make it easier for the user to navigate and control the features of the system and device."

Android home menu

The Android keyboard has been redesigned with reshaped keys which aim to speed up text entry. The keyboard now features multi-touch support enabling you to quickly enter numbers and symbols by pressing Shift+<letter> and ?123+<symbol>, without needing to manually switch input modes.
The keyboard also displays the current character and dictionary suggestions in a larger, more vivid style that is easier to read.

Coincidentally, Android 2.3 also includes updated video drivers that improve the efficiency of OpenGL ES operations, for faster overall 3D graphics performance. The Linux Kernel has also been updated to 2.6.35 while the audio has also been improved.
비디오 드라이버 업데이트 - 3D 그래픽 성능 향상
리눅스 커널 2.6.35로 업데이트

Android 2.3 battery life
Android battery life has been criticised in the past, and Google says that Android 2.3 "takes a more active role in managing apps that are keeping the device awake for too long or that are consuming CPU while running in the background."
베터리 성능 향상

Android power management

The system will "manage" these apps and close them if appropriate to "ensure best possible performance and maximum battery life."

Android running apps

Google adds that: "The system also gives the user more visibility over the power being consumed by system components and running apps. The Application settings provides an accurate overview of how the battery is being used, with details of the usage and relative power consumed by each component or application."
Android 2.3 phones
The first Android 2.3 phone to go on sale is the successor to the Nexus One, called the Google Nexus S. It features 16GB of internal memory, a 1GHz processor, a 4" screen and NFC support.

You can see Android 2.3 in action on the Nexus S below:

Read more: http://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/android-2-3-what-you-need-to-know-913559#ixzz17VX5ORQW

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