티스토리 뷰

Rich Communication Suite 는 서비스 제공자와 벤더들의 컨소시엄으로 모바일 구독자에게 통합 솔루션을 제공한다.

The Rich Communication Suite is a consortium of service providers and vendors who are working on defining a set of rich services that can be offered to mobile subscribers as an integrated solution. RCS defines some standard capabilities like enhanced calls, enhanced messaging and enhanced phonebook which should be supported by mobile carriers the same way SMS is supported today.

RCS 는 모바일 폰 통신 서비스를 제공하기 위해 IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) 사용에 초점을 둔 산업의 노력이다. "Rich Communication" 라는 말 자체가 설명이 필요없이 음성 통신을 넘어서는 사용을 의미하며 오랫동안 IMS의 이점으로 소개되었다. RCS의 많은 능력은 이미 ISP 에서 보여주었다.

Rich Communication Suite (RCS) is an industry effort focused on the use of IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) for providing mobile phone communication services. "Rich Communication" in itself is meaningless jargon, which refers to the use of more than just voice for communication, but has long been touted as a benefit of IMS. It is to be noted that much of the capability of RCS is already available from Internet service providers.

초기 RCS 규격은 시간이 지나면서 개선되어 이제 4번째 릴리즈 버전까지 나왔다.

The original RCS specification has been enhanced over time and is now detailed over four Release versions: Releases 1, 2, 3 and most recently, Release 4.

RCS 의 주요 특징

  • 향상된 폰북 :

    Enhanced Phonebook, with service capabilities and presence enhanced contacts information

  • 향상된 메시징 : 채팅, 메시지 히스토리등을 포함한 다양한 메시징 옵션이 가능하다.

    Enhanced Messaging, which enables a large variety of messaging options including chat and messaging history

  • 향상된 통화 : 음성 통화 중에 멀티미디어 콘텐츠 공유가 가능

    Enriched Call, which enables multimedia content sharing during a voice call. For many years Nokia and Ericsson have been pushing a "see what I see" capability, but this has failed to be taken up by operators, or the way it was deployed failed to result in great take-up by consumers. Bundling this feature with the two other features may help to increase uptake.
